Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Love among the ruins

Architecture is our love among the ruins of beauty…but what is beauty? What gives a building that quality within an ocean of lights? If you knew the answer would it be the same for everyone? Beauty and beauty has never been the same and when separated or formulated they have nothing to do with being beautiful. A child growing up might think that the glass towers of London or New York are beauty, where a person of wealth could be thinking that the old corrugated roof sheets on a shack is beautiful.

A building might posses a certain beauty, but why? Our minds always analyse. We analyse information by means of our senses. By hearing, seeing tasting, smelling and touch we learn to control the dimensions we are within at any moment in time. We learn what’s good and bad about life, maths, work and death. Everything becomes a calculated risk, when will I die? How much does that weigh? Would it cost less? Even shopping centres now tell me how much I’d be paying for a millilitre of milk in comparison with its equally “cow-ish” friend next to it on the shelf. “Calculated Risk”, yes replay it in your mind…it’s also beauty.

If this is exactly how the human mind functions then I’m asking the question whether everything we agree or disagree with remains a weighing up exercise of positives and negatives. If calculated risk remains the essence of how we open up our minds to processing and answering life important decisions, where does beauty fall? Beauty doesn’t fall under the previous mentioned state unless a paradigms shift occurs and shift towards personal style.

No, beauty won’t let you starve, die, love or hate someone. Beauty won’t influence your life’s direction and final choices.  However beauty still needs to be defined. Even though we might agree with the dictionary description of beauty, the reality remains that none of you would actually be in any agreement with what you’ve read. That because you all will have a different perception and influence to what beauty really is.

Beauty becomes…

Beauty is not a constant and in some cases non existent. It gets formed by your senses. You only believe it because right now, you are here and it’s only because you’re here that there’s beauty. Beauty is a pattern formed, sanded and smoothed into a unique shape within your mind for only a limitless period of time. Historically the cave paintings to our primitive homosapiens species were defined as “Ooo-oo” meaning beauty. Then one day baroque was beauty, then the Renaissance then came modernism, post modernism and today…it’s different again. It’s a new generation. A different perception. A new sense of beauty. But even back in the renaissance period all the renaissanceians would have had a different idea and perception of beauty perceived within their fellow masses. In the same way beauty are unique to an individual it’s also true to a culture.

Really I’m saying that beauty are never the same, have never been and yet it’s defined as one and the same in all dictionaries around the world as being the same thing. As this is true what could the one be that makes beauty equal, realistic and true? Well it’s the above…thus beauty is equal to what is true and untrue at the same time.

Our minds calculate our way of life. But it also calculates the invisible of what it can’t see. As the human form, nature and all other natural non man made things are to a certain nation also discovered or undiscovered to us. All calculations are an endless sea of dots. Dots on the one side versus dots on the other side. If you were to spread these invisible dots into equal parts and distances across to each other to the golden ratio, you will define it as beauty as that would be the natural order of you, me and nature…as an object within an object. The very parts we can not control but makes up our very essence. We naturally believe in the natural order of dots. It doesn’t matter how you spread it. As long as it remains within the order of “your” perceived ratio within “your” order of acceptance, only then you’ll have beauty associated to yourself, culture, timeline or future building. It’s within the natural order then that we define beauty across ourselves, our neighbours, cultures and history.

Beauty is now…it’s you. NOW…BREATH…and it’s changed itself again, just like the ruins we love for eternity. 

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